Production and Market Consultancy
Production is essentially the process of converting certain inputs into desired outputs in the form of goods or services. Therefore, a production function applies not only to manufacturing processes but also to other activities such as construction and transportation operations, healthcare, and even office services.
This conversion process requires the production manager to make a decision in terms of delivering the output obtained in the desired quantity and quality on the desired date and at the minimum cost. The consultant’s duty is to provide information to management when necessary in determining the best ways to achieve this goal. In carrying out his duties, the production management consultant can, in most cases, concretely measure and evaluate the fruits of his work. In this respect, consultancy services in other fields, such as general or personal management, are in a more fortunate position.
Production management consultant;
- Product or products,
- Working methods and organization
- Person; can be carried out in a systematic way, taking into account the factors.